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The Vikings First Europeans On North America eBook Arthur G Milton ebook VEQ

The Vikings First Europeans On North America eBook Arthur G Milton lecteur PDF The%20Vikings%20First%20Europeans%20On%20North%20America%20eBook%20Arthur%20G%20Milton


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  • Archeologists excavating relics found at L'Anse Aux Meadows on the northern Newfoundland peninsula in 1968 proved beyond question that the first Europeans on North American had been Norwegian Vikings. Eirik, the Red, the mighty Viking discovered Greenland in 982 A.D. In 1000 A.D., his son Leiv Eiriksson, led a crew of 35 Vikings warriors from Brattalid, Greenland down the eastern coast of Baffin Island and Labrador to Newfoundland. Leiv would name this land Vinland. He named the settlement built at L'Anse Aux Meadows, Leifsbudfir.

    There were four recorded expeditions to Vinland following Leiv's return to Greenland. Members of each expedition kept their weapons close at hand especially when outside Leifsbudfir. The Skraelings (the name given to the Eskimos and Indians by the Vikings) resembled men, but acted in a strange an suspicious way, often with deadly force.The Skraelings outnumbered the Vikings which eventually caused the Vikings withdrawal from Vinland.

    The primary source of material for this book came from the Groenlendinga Saga, written 200 years after the events and later translated from the old Norse language.
    ebook,Arthur G Milton,The Vikings First Europeans On North America,The Electronic Book Company,HISTORY / Americas

    The Vikings First Europeans On North America eBook Arthur G Milton Reviews :

    Archeologists excavating relics found at L'Anse Aux Meadows on the northern Newfoundland peninsula in 1968 proved beyond question that the first Europeans on North American had been Norwegian Vikings. Eirik, the Red, the mighty Viking discovered Greenland in 982 A.D. In 1000 A.D., his son Leiv Eiriksson, led a crew of 35 Vikings warriors from Brattalid, Greenland down the eastern coast of Baffin Island and Labrador to Newfoundland. Leiv would name this land Vinland. He named the settlement built at L'Anse Aux Meadows, Leifsbudfir.

    There were four recorded expeditions to Vinland following Leiv's return to Greenland. Members of each expedition kept their weapons close at hand especially when outside Leifsbudfir. The Skraelings (the name given to the Eskimos and Indians by the Vikings) resembled men, but acted in a strange an suspicious way, often with deadly force.The Skraelings outnumbered the Vikings which eventually caused the Vikings withdrawal from Vinland.

    The primary source of material for this book came from the Groenlendinga Saga, written 200 years after the events and later translated from the old Norse language.

    ebook,Arthur G Milton,The Vikings First Europeans On North America,The Electronic Book Company,HISTORY / Americas

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    Product details

    • File Size 741 KB
    • Print Length 37 pages
    • Publisher The Electronic Book Company (November 3, 2012)
    • Publication Date November 3, 2012
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    • ASIN B00A1P6W42
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